Friday, August 10, 2007

Social and Emotional Disorders (externalizing disorders)

If your topic is social and emotional disorders with a focus on externalizing disorders, please post your answers to the four questions here.


Kassie Lagua said...
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Kassie Lagua said...
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Kassie Lagua said...
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Xanthy Karamanos said...

Socialized Aggression is centered on the conduct-disordered behaviors in social environments. Children with socialized aggression involve themselves in activities including stealing, substance abuse, lying, absence from school, and possibly dropping out of school. These children are not involved in school, but revolve themselves around violence, law-breaking, gangs, and bullying others. Children with socialized aggression affect those around them. They tend to be discourteous and rude to fellow students, teachers, parents and those around them.
Socialized Aggression is exemplified by irrepressible behavior. Children have uncontrollable behavioral problems that lead to lying, stealing, substance abuse, and violations of the law and rights. These children are more likely to get into fights and trouble, than most children. Children develop an agitated attitude, are often depressed, and cannot tolerate boredom. They have no respect for other students, teachers, and parents, and do not care about the safety of themselves or loved ones. They are not sympathetic towards others and just do not care. Because of this development, these children have a hard time making or keeping friends.
Teachers need to be aware of students with Socialized Aggression. These students are not motivated to do work because they tend to get involved in groups that are not favorable towards school and the classroom. Students with socialized aggression are disrespectful to teachers and other students in the classroom. Teachers need to be aware of the classroom environment, because they need special individual attention. Teachers should devise a strategy or plan that would set a standard for the student’s inappropriate behavior. Students need exclusive attention throughout the day.