Use this template to organize your work for the blog assignment. You MUST turn this sheet in as well as post your research on the blog.
Question Answer (including fully cited resources) How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws? (Consider federal education laws such as IDEA & NJ spec ed code.) IDEA ’04 and NJ special education code define hard of hearing as an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. It is not included under the definition of deafness. A person who is hard of hearing perceives some sound and has sufficient hearing to use auditory-based methods of communication, and sometimes with visual supplements. People are severely hard of hearing have a profound hearing loss that greatly affects their academic achievements, social interaction, and development. These people use oral-aural communication, which combines speech, speech-reading, use of personal hearing aids, and other augmentative and assistive devices. Hard of hearing belongs to the special education category “hearing impairments,” which is the same category that deafness is included in.
What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and levels of functioning.) Children who are hard of hearing have a hearing loss which impairs their understanding of sounds and communication. They experience developmental delays and are often behind their peers without disabilities academically. The hearing loss causes impairment in how a child develops language at a young age. Most young children learn language when they are toddlers by hearing what people say around them. Children who are hard of hearing are unable to properly hear the words that are being spoken around them. This also causes them to lack the proper social skills to interact with children of the same age because they do not have to proper speaking techniques. Children who lack proper social skills development tend to not engage in conversations, are shy, and hang in the back of a group. These children need to be assisted in the development of proper social skills, in order to benefit him or her later on in life. Children who are hard of hearing are usually three years behind their peers in function and development. Children who are hard of hearing are easily overlooked and often times their extent of their disability are minimized. This causes them to not always be included in special education, which can hard them academic achievement in school. These children, who are hard of hearing, find it more difficult to learn vocabulary, grammar, word order, and language. These students require special attention in school in order to keep up with the ability of their fellow, non-disabled peers. Even a hearing loss in one ear can cause a student to struggle academically. This is because it takes extra effort to listen carefully to the teacher, take notes, and process what is being presented all at the same time. Outside noises, such as side conversations and chairs moving, make listening to the teacher more difficult so it is especially important to reduce unnecessary noises If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic and social support. The first thing that I would do as a teacher would be to find out the history of the child who is hard of hearing. I would read what is included in his or her IEP and then plan my lesson accordingly. The child’s IEP states the degree and extent of hearing loss that the particular student has which would tell me how to interact with the child. This would affect how I plan my lesson and how to make the other child in the classroom interact with the individual. It would be important to know if the child requires special attention and if there is a need to go to resource rooms throughout the week. I would also look up options on how to include the child in everyday lessons, without making the child feel ostracized. In my classroom, I would sit the child who is hard of hearing in the front of the room. I would make sure that he or she is situated in the front row and in the middle. I would make it a point to other children in the classroom that it is very important that when one person is talking, everyone listens and does not have side conversations in order to reduce background noise. If there were desks with chairs that pull in and out in my classroom, then I would put tennis balls on the bottom of the chairs to reduce noise when the children move in and out of their seats. If the resources were available, I would put my notes up on a projector or in a PowerPoint presentation. This would allow me to either copy or send the lesson to student who is hard of hearing to ensure that he or she got everything from the lesson. I would also make sure that I spoke clearly and in the direction of the child who is hard of hearing. To ensure that the student with a hearing disability is not ostracized by children who are not disabled, I would make to talk to the class about people who are hard of hearing. This would allow students to learn about the disability so that they can better understand it. I would also explain to the class that just because the person has a disability, it does not make them any different than other school children. There may be some things that the particular child is slow at, but that is no reason for other students to tease and make fun of him or her. It will be very important to me for my classroom to display classroom unity and support of one another.
What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (websites, agencies, people within your school, curriculum materials: 2 or 3 line description for each resource is required.) 1. Child-study team a. These people help develop a child’s IEP, which means that they have studied and performed tests on the particular child. They would be able to tell a teacher the extent of the student’s hearing loss and what would be the best approach to teaching the child. 2. Parents and close family members of the child who is hard of hearing a. These people interact with the child on a daily basis. They are able to tell the teacher how the child interacts with people and how they have developed thus far. This would allow the teacher to focus on a particular area of development, such as social or academic skills. These people would also be able to tell what has and hasn’t worked in the past. 3. Previous teachers a. The teacher would be able to tell the current teacher what worked and did not work in the past. They would also be able to tell which academic areas that the child struggled in. 4. Assistive technology a. Can be a variety of things such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, FM transmission devices, and audio loops. These would allow the child to better understand the material present to him or her and to interact with peers easier. This would also help make the teacher’s job easier. 5. The Division of Deaf & Hard of Hearing website a. b. This website offers programs to people who are hard of hearing and also programs for people who are affected by someone they know who is hard of hearing. This website also offers welfare services, disability programs, and children’s services. 6. Council for Exceptional Children a. b. This website is extremely valuable for a teacher because it can keep him or her up to date on current issues about special education. It also offers support to teachers who teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing. 7. Speech Language Pathologists a. These people help the child who is hard of hearing develop proper language. This is extremely beneficial because it improves academic performance and the understanding of the material that a teacher presents.
Use this template to organize your work for the blog assignment. You MUST turn this sheet in as well as post your research on the blog.
Question Answer (including fully cited resources) How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws? (Consider federal education laws such as IDEA & NJ spec ed code.) Both deaf and hard of hearing, under IDEA 04’, belong to one special education group called “hearing impairments”. Specifically, the federal government defines deafness as: A hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification, which adversely affects a child’s education performance.
What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and levels of functioning.) People who are deaf have a profound hearing loss, which causes a delay in some developmental areas. Children who are deaf do not develop language at the time that they developmentally should. This delay in language development drastically affects an individual’s cognitive and social skills. Some of the common characteristics that we see in these areas include the low reading levels among deaf people. A reading level for a deaf high-school does not reach a level where a person can be considered literate. (put in a citation). It is shown that being deaf drastically effects reading and oral communication. Socially, the Deaf will learn ASL, and use this as their form of communication. ASL stands for American Sign Language. It is a complete and complex language, and it is not a translation of the English language. ASL is the language of the Deaf community and the main factor in the Deaf culture. Deaf people consider themselves part of the Deaf community. Deaf community considers being deaf as part of their culture, and it drastically effects the lives of these individuals. The Deaf community considers themselves a minority. To them, deafness is not a disability, but something that brings them together. Someone who has hearing loss can be at a different level then others. No one person is the same in their disability. When talking about hearing loss (deafness), we need to consider three areas for the degree of loss: age, when the loss occurred, and the type of hearing loss. There are two general types of hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss and Sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss would not be the most common type form of loss for a deaf person. A deaf person would probably have a Sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss involves damage to the inner ear, or auditory nerve. Sensorineural hearing losses are harder to correct, being that individuals are able to hear different frequencies at different intensities. The degree of the hearing loss would be at profound, in order for a person to be considered deaf. A profound hearing loss is when assistive learning devices alone enable the individual to understand oral information. Finally, the last factor we have to consider is the age of onset. If a person is prelingually deaf, then they have not developed any oral language. They were deaf before this was able to happen. Being prelingually deaf drastically affects their ability to communicate with others and learn academic subjects. Another form of onset is postlingually, which implies that a person was able to develop oral language before becoming deaf. This allows people to retain their abilities and communicate orally with others.
If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic and social support. I would want to make sure that I am providing this student with the best LRE that I possibly can. The first thing I would do in my classroom includes assessing and learning about the child’s disability. I would want to know the severity of it, and what exactly his/ her abilities are. This would also involve learning the rights and laws that apply for this particular student. Also, I would be talking with past teachers to see what academic strategies he/she has used, and what worked best for them. I would then try to implement some of those strategies in my classroom. In order to make the deaf student and the non-deaf students comfortable in my classroom, I would want everyone to learn some general ASL signs. I would also try to learn as much ASL as possible. By learning ASL, communication will flow more easily in my classroom. It will lessen the communication gap between the orally and non-orally speaking students. This, in turn, can also support the student academically. If I am able to sign while I teach, then the student can follow along more easily with the lesson. To supplement my signing, I will find out if the student is legible for a translator in order to direct more attention to him/her. Turning to the SLP that is assigned to the school would be a good way of learning about activities and ideas that foster better speech and language. Additionally, I will make sure that I use all the resources available to me to supplement the students learning.
What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (websites, agencies, people within your school, curriculum materials: 2 or 3 line description for each resource is required.) 1. An educational program should be made including the services of an audiologists, SLP, interpreters, teachers of the deaf, and possibly OTs and PTs. This group of people, along with others that are closely involved with the child, will help make an educational program for the student. They will all have a say in the child’s IEP, and will be the ones who actually carry out his/her educational program. 2. A main resource that will help me as teacher would be the child and his/her parents. We want to know what works best for the student, and what he/she would like in the classroom. The only way we can find out the best things for the student is to talk to the student themselves and their parents. They will be an essential part in developing an educational program for the disabled student. 3. This website is the official state of New Jersey department of education website. Within the website, you can find information about Learning Resource Center’s (link above). A LRC is a service that is provided for teacher that releases a report twice a year. The report gives out information and activities that are relevant to teachers and parents with disabled children. Some of the things that LRC offers are workshops, training institutions, and assistive technology. They also offer a service where they will bring the material to your school. 4. This is a website that is offered from the U.S. department of education. The website is useful for finding information that will support the children in your classroom. Specifically, I found teacher resources within the website. Also, there is current news available on the website. All these things are helpful for teachers to visit frequently in order to keep up with what is going on in the educational world. 5. This link will bring you to an area on the web were you can contact and learn about the Division of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The DDHH advocates for an estimated 720,000 Deaf or hard of hearing people in New Jersey. It advocates in settings such as social, legal, medical, educational, and recreational. This Division offers many helpful things for those who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
Work Cited
Mayberry, R. I. (2002). Handbook of Neuropsychology (Vol. 8, 2nd ed.). Elsevier Science B.V. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from informaworld.
(2006). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
(2006). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
(n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
Smith, D. D. (2007). Intorduction to Special Education (6th ed.). MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Part III: Learning from others---After posting your own researched topic on the blog, you will be assigned a second disability category and asked to review the posted research of your colleagues about it. You will have to answer the following questions:
The second disability category I learned about from the blog post is different/similar from my original category in the following ways: a. Definition Hard of Hearing versus School Phobia differ in many ways. School Phobia cannot be explained in terms of health factors where as hard of hearing is an impairment to process linguistic information. Yet, both disorders are similar in the fact that they affect a childs education performance.
b. Developmental characteristics The developmental process also differs from each disorder. People with Hard of Hearing do not develop language as fast which lowers their read and communication levels. School Phobia in a child prevents them from being in school and consists of complaints about not feeling well. Both disorders although different can result in a lack of social skills.
c. Classroom strategies, needs, and strengths. Both disorders differ in strategies, needs, and strengths. Some strategies and needs for School Phobia would be to find the source, devise a plan, monitor the situation, and set up a meeting with a psychologist or pediatrician if needed. Hard of Hearing strategies include: American Sign Language(ASL), a teacher who can sign, being able to know the severity, rights and laws, and teaching other classmates some general ASL signs. Both disorders, although different, need encouragement and social support.
This blog is designed as a resource tool for teacher candidates learning about special education and students with special needs. Pairs within the class will create their own blogs about specific students with special needs, such as children with ADHD, and then link that blog to this central site.Each blog will contain information about the federal and state definition of the disability group, the general physical, social, cognitive, and emotional developments, as well as useful resources for teachers.
CPSY 1001 Disability Reference Blog Template
NAME: Stephanie Graham TOPIC: Hard of Hearing
Use this template to organize your work for the blog assignment. You MUST turn this sheet in as well as post your research on the blog.
Question Answer (including fully cited resources)
How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws? (Consider federal education laws such as IDEA & NJ spec ed code.) IDEA ’04 and NJ special education code define hard of hearing as an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. It is not included under the definition of deafness. A person who is hard of hearing perceives some sound and has sufficient hearing to use auditory-based methods of communication, and sometimes with visual supplements. People are severely hard of hearing have a profound hearing loss that greatly affects their academic achievements, social interaction, and development. These people use oral-aural communication, which combines speech, speech-reading, use of personal hearing aids, and other augmentative and assistive devices. Hard of hearing belongs to the special education category “hearing impairments,” which is the same category that deafness is included in.
What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and levels of functioning.) Children who are hard of hearing have a hearing loss which impairs their understanding of sounds and communication. They experience developmental delays and are often behind their peers without disabilities academically. The hearing loss causes impairment in how a child develops language at a young age. Most young children learn language when they are toddlers by hearing what people say around them. Children who are hard of hearing are unable to properly hear the words that are being spoken around them. This also causes them to lack the proper social skills to interact with children of the same age because they do not have to proper speaking techniques. Children who lack proper social skills development tend to not engage in conversations, are shy, and hang in the back of a group. These children need to be assisted in the development of proper social skills, in order to benefit him or her later on in life. Children who are hard of hearing are usually three years behind their peers in function and development.
Children who are hard of hearing are easily overlooked and often times their extent of their disability are minimized. This causes them to not always be included in special education, which can hard them academic achievement in school. These children, who are hard of hearing, find it more difficult to learn vocabulary, grammar, word order, and language. These students require special attention in school in order to keep up with the ability of their fellow, non-disabled peers. Even a hearing loss in one ear can cause a student to struggle academically. This is because it takes extra effort to listen carefully to the teacher, take notes, and process what is being presented all at the same time. Outside noises, such as side conversations and chairs moving, make listening to the teacher more difficult so it is especially important to reduce unnecessary noises
If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic and social support. The first thing that I would do as a teacher would be to find out the history of the child who is hard of hearing. I would read what is included in his or her IEP and then plan my lesson accordingly. The child’s IEP states the degree and extent of hearing loss that the particular student has which would tell me how to interact with the child. This would affect how I plan my lesson and how to make the other child in the classroom interact with the individual. It would be important to know if the child requires special attention and if there is a need to go to resource rooms throughout the week. I would also look up options on how to include the child in everyday lessons, without making the child feel ostracized.
In my classroom, I would sit the child who is hard of hearing in the front of the room. I would make sure that he or she is situated in the front row and in the middle. I would make it a point to other children in the classroom that it is very important that when one person is talking, everyone listens and does not have side conversations in order to reduce background noise. If there were desks with chairs that pull in and out in my classroom, then I would put tennis balls on the bottom of the chairs to reduce noise when the children move in and out of their seats. If the resources were available, I would put my notes up on a projector or in a PowerPoint presentation. This would allow me to either copy or send the lesson to student who is hard of hearing to ensure that he or she got everything from the lesson. I would also make sure that I spoke clearly and in the direction of the child who is hard of hearing.
To ensure that the student with a hearing disability is not ostracized by children who are not disabled, I would make to talk to the class about people who are hard of hearing. This would allow students to learn about the disability so that they can better understand it. I would also explain to the class that just because the person has a disability, it does not make them any different than other school children. There may be some things that the particular child is slow at, but that is no reason for other students to tease and make fun of him or her. It will be very important to me for my classroom to display classroom unity and support of one another.
What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (websites, agencies, people within your school, curriculum materials: 2 or 3 line description for each resource is required.) 1. Child-study team
a. These people help develop a child’s IEP, which means that they have studied and performed tests on the particular child. They would be able to tell a teacher the extent of the student’s hearing loss and what would be the best approach to teaching the child.
2. Parents and close family members of the child who is hard of hearing
a. These people interact with the child on a daily basis. They are able to tell the teacher how the child interacts with people and how they have developed thus far. This would allow the teacher to focus on a particular area of development, such as social or academic skills. These people would also be able to tell what has and hasn’t worked in the past.
3. Previous teachers
a. The teacher would be able to tell the current teacher what worked and did not work in the past. They would also be able to tell which academic areas that the child struggled in.
4. Assistive technology
a. Can be a variety of things such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, FM transmission devices, and audio loops. These would allow the child to better understand the material present to him or her and to interact with peers easier. This would also help make the teacher’s job easier.
5. The Division of Deaf & Hard of Hearing website
b. This website offers programs to people who are hard of hearing and also programs for people who are affected by someone they know who is hard of hearing. This website also offers welfare services, disability programs, and children’s services.
6. Council for Exceptional Children
b. This website is extremely valuable for a teacher because it can keep him or her up to date on current issues about special education. It also offers support to teachers who teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
7. Speech Language Pathologists
a. These people help the child who is hard of hearing develop proper language. This is extremely beneficial because it improves academic performance and the understanding of the material that a teacher presents.
NAME: Brianne Krakovsky TOPIC: Deaf
Use this template to organize your work for the blog assignment. You MUST turn this sheet in as well as post your research on the blog.
Question Answer (including fully cited resources)
How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws? (Consider federal education laws such as IDEA & NJ spec ed code.) Both deaf and hard of hearing, under IDEA 04’, belong to one special education group called “hearing impairments”. Specifically, the federal government defines deafness as:
A hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification, which adversely affects a child’s education performance.
What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and levels of functioning.) People who are deaf have a profound hearing loss, which causes a delay in some developmental areas. Children who are deaf do not develop language at the time that they developmentally should. This delay in language development drastically affects an individual’s cognitive and social skills. Some of the common characteristics that we see in these areas include the low reading levels among deaf people. A reading level for a deaf high-school does not reach a level where a person can be considered literate. (put in a citation). It is shown that being deaf drastically effects reading and oral communication. Socially, the Deaf will learn ASL, and use this as their form of communication. ASL stands for American Sign Language. It is a complete and complex language, and it is not a translation of the English language. ASL is the language of the Deaf community and the main factor in the Deaf culture. Deaf people consider themselves part of the Deaf community. Deaf community considers being deaf as part of their culture, and it drastically effects the lives of these individuals. The Deaf community considers themselves a minority. To them, deafness is not a disability, but something that brings them together.
Someone who has hearing loss can be at a different level then others. No one person is the same in their disability. When talking about hearing loss (deafness), we need to consider three areas for the degree of loss: age, when the loss occurred, and the type of hearing loss. There are two general types of hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss and Sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss would not be the most common type form of loss for a deaf person. A deaf person would probably have a Sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss involves damage to the inner ear, or auditory nerve. Sensorineural hearing losses are harder to correct, being that individuals are able to hear different frequencies at different intensities. The degree of the hearing loss would be at profound, in order for a person to be considered deaf. A profound hearing loss is when assistive learning devices alone enable the individual to understand oral information. Finally, the last factor we have to consider is the age of onset. If a person is prelingually deaf, then they have not developed any oral language. They were deaf before this was able to happen. Being prelingually deaf drastically affects their ability to communicate with others and learn academic subjects. Another form of onset is postlingually, which implies that a person was able to develop oral language before becoming deaf. This allows people to retain their abilities and communicate orally with others.
If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic and social support. I would want to make sure that I am providing this student with the best LRE that I possibly can. The first thing I would do in my classroom includes assessing and learning about the child’s disability. I would want to know the severity of it, and what exactly his/ her abilities are. This would also involve learning the rights and laws that apply for this particular student. Also, I would be talking with past teachers to see what academic strategies he/she has used, and what worked best for them. I would then try to implement some of those strategies in my classroom.
In order to make the deaf student and the non-deaf students comfortable in my classroom, I would want everyone to learn some general ASL signs. I would also try to learn as much ASL as possible. By learning ASL, communication will flow more easily in my classroom. It will lessen the communication gap between the orally and non-orally speaking students. This, in turn, can also support the student academically. If I am able to sign while I teach, then the student can follow along more easily with the lesson. To supplement my signing, I will find out if the student is legible for a translator in order to direct more attention to him/her. Turning to the SLP that is assigned to the school would be a good way of learning about activities and ideas that foster better speech and language. Additionally, I will make sure that I use all the resources available to me to supplement the students learning.
What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (websites, agencies, people within your school, curriculum materials: 2 or 3 line description for each resource is required.) 1. An educational program should be made including the services of an audiologists, SLP, interpreters, teachers of the deaf, and possibly OTs and PTs.
This group of people, along with others that are closely involved with the child, will help make an educational program for the student. They will all have a say in the child’s IEP, and will be the ones who actually carry out his/her educational program.
2. A main resource that will help me as teacher would be the child and his/her parents. We want to know what works best for the student, and what he/she would like in the classroom. The only way we can find out the best things for the student is to talk to the student themselves and their parents. They will be an essential part in developing an educational program for the disabled student.
This website is the official state of New Jersey department of education website. Within the website, you can find information about Learning Resource Center’s (link above). A LRC is a service that is provided for teacher that releases a report twice a year. The report gives out information and activities that are relevant to teachers and parents with disabled children. Some of the things that LRC offers are workshops, training institutions, and assistive technology. They also offer a service where they will bring the material to your school.
This is a website that is offered from the U.S. department of education. The website is useful for finding information that will support the children in your classroom. Specifically, I found teacher resources within the website. Also, there is current news available on the website. All these things are helpful for teachers to visit frequently in order to keep up with what is going on in the educational world.
This link will bring you to an area on the web were you can contact and learn about the Division of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The DDHH advocates for an estimated 720,000 Deaf or hard of hearing people in New Jersey. It advocates in settings such as social, legal, medical, educational, and recreational. This Division offers many helpful things for those who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
Work Cited
Mayberry, R. I. (2002). Handbook of Neuropsychology (Vol. 8, 2nd ed.). Elsevier Science B.V. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from informaworld.
(2006). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
(2006). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
(n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2007, from
Smith, D. D. (2007). Intorduction to Special Education (6th ed.). MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Part III: Learning from others---After posting your own researched topic on the blog, you will be assigned a second disability category and asked to review the posted research of your colleagues about it. You will have to answer the following questions:
The second disability category I learned about from the blog post is different/similar from my original category in the following ways:
a. Definition
Hard of Hearing versus School Phobia differ in many ways. School Phobia cannot be explained in terms of health factors where as hard of hearing is an impairment to process linguistic information. Yet, both disorders are similar in the fact that they affect a childs education performance.
b. Developmental characteristics
The developmental process also differs from each disorder. People with Hard of Hearing do not develop language as fast which lowers their read and communication levels. School Phobia in a child prevents them from being in school and consists of complaints about not feeling well. Both disorders although different can result in a lack of social skills.
c. Classroom strategies, needs, and strengths.
Both disorders differ in strategies, needs, and strengths. Some strategies and needs for School Phobia would be to find the source, devise a plan, monitor the situation, and set up a meeting with a psychologist or pediatrician if needed. Hard of Hearing strategies include: American Sign Language(ASL), a teacher who can sign, being able to know the severity, rights and laws, and teaching other classmates some general ASL signs. Both disorders, although different, need encouragement and social support.
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