Friday, August 10, 2007

Mental Retardation (Genetic Based)

If your topic is mental retardation genetically based such as Williams Syndrome, PKU or Down Syndrome), please post the answers to your four questions here.


noelle said...

question 1:

Prader-Willi Syndrome is a genetic condition present at birth that is caused by abnormalities on chromosome 15, which is missing genes that usually come from the father. The disability causes cognitive disabilities, low muscle tone, shortness of stature, and an uncontrollable appetite that can lead to obesity.

Question 2:

When in Utero the main concerns with PWS are reduced fetal movement and frequent abnormal fetal positions. At birth doctors worry about lethargy, feeding difficulties, hypotonia, breech or cesarean births, and difficulties establishing respiration. During Infancy and childhood PWS’s symptoms become more apparent. The child can suffer from speech delay (which can inhibit major learning disabilities and trouble learning later on in life), poor physical coordination, over eating, excessive weight gain, scoliosis, excessive sleeping, intellectual delay, and failure to thrive. When the child hits adolescence and adulthood they usually find out they are infertile. They also experience obesity, sparse pubic hair, diabetes, learning disabilities, and short stature. In physical appearance people with PWS have prominent nasal bridges, small hands and feet, soft skin which can easily bruise, excessive fat, high narrow foreheads, almond shaped eyes, light skin and hair, lack of complete sexual development, delayed motor development, and always picking at their skin. Physical appearance can affect a child academically as well because socially it may be hard to find a group of friends that will accept he/she for who they truly are.

Question 3:

If I were a teacher in a general education classroom and one of my students had Prader Willi Syndrome I would first look into getting to know the child and reading over his/her IEP. Because the child may suffer from speech delays and poor physical coordination I would be sure to constantly be assessing the students work and making sure they receive the proper attention they need from me in order to help them succeed. Socially I would want to make sure the other students in the classroom understand that the student with PWS is no different then you or I and that they deserve to be treated just as every other classmate in the room deserves to be treated. I would also make sure that all of the students in the class fully understand the disease and everything associated with it so there are no misunderstandings and perhaps this will help the children in the calls accept the student with PWS more openly. I would try to incorporate the student into group projects and make sure that he/she has different partners every time so the child gets to know and become friendly with everyone in the class. I would also make sure that he/she sits in the front row considering another problem with PWS is excessive sleeping and I would not want the student to fall asleep while in class. Lastly, I would never have food in the classroom and I would make sure the students in the class could not have any food unless it was lunch or snack time and food would be eaten in the cafeteria.

Question 4:

Family- family and friends is more than likely the best tool to use in order to understand the child and how to interact in the best way possible with them. No one will understand the student better then their parents and the people that they are with on a daily basis and they will easily be able to assist you in finding the best learning strategy for the student.
Fellow teachers that taught the student- fellow teachers can help you find the best way to serve your student because they may have taught a child with PWS already. They can also provide you with more resources to go about learning about the disability before you plan your lessons. Fellow colleague support will also give you the support and confidence you need in succeeding with your student.
Peers- although it may not seem that peers would be able to help they can contribute a lot. Peers may be able to understand their fellow students better than a teacher can and can connect with them on a level that teachers cannot.
Prader Willi Syndrome Association- The website for this association is amazing in learning about the children with PWS. It provides information for educators such as tips for what to do and what not to do. It also advises teachers to never have food in the classroom.
Special Education Educators- Special education teachers can help because they not only studied the disability but they fully understand it. They can provide information on teaching options and what works best. They could also provide personal experiences and what they learned from those experiences.

works cited:

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association,,


Jessica Carrillo said...

Blog 1 Down Syndrome

1) How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws?

Federal: IDEA -Mental retardation means significantly sub average general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period, which adversely affects a child’s educational (218)
State: NJ special education code defined not by Down Syndrome but is recognize as “cognitively impaired” or “mentally retarded” which means having a significantly below average general cognitive functioning and not being able to adjust to center behaviors.
There are different characterizes to explain the different severities of mental retardation; Mild, Moderate and Sever cognitive impairments. Mild cognitive impairments, is the highest level and in other words “educable” because they are mildly below average in daily functions such as school home and society settings. They are taught with symbols for interpretations to solve problems. They are just two or three standards below the requirements for their age group on administered test for intelligence.
Moderate cognitive impairments is the second level and in other words “trainable”. This is because the level of cognitive development and adaptive behavior is moderately below age level. They are able to use symbols to solve problems of low complexity. Their able level also lets them be able to function in normal setting such as home, school, and community without direct or close guidance. They fall below age level on administered tests of intelligence about three or more standards.
Severe cognitive impairments as know as “eligible for a day training” ability level is severely below age level requirements. This level is when a child does not have the ability to show understanding because they cannot response to simple directions. They can not express basic wants and needs.
The Federal and state law categories Down Syndrome with Mental Retardation. So this is a definition of Down Syndrome from other sources. Down Syndrome happens when a baby is being developed in the whom. A baby without DS has a total of 46 chromosomes and a baby with DS has 47 chromosomes. Since there is an extra chromosome it causes the body to develop differently and it cause delays in physical and cognitive ways.

2) What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (This would include cognitive, social, emotional, physical, as well as levels of functioning.)

Children with Down syndrome have a lower ability to grasp information that a children with out Down syndrome. Some researchers have used mice to figure out what is the major cause for Down Syndrome cognitive abilities. Some say this is due to a abnormality of the synapse (which connect signals to neurons) found in people with Down Syndrome. Since using mice they have found that the most affect parts of the brain are Motor cortex, sensory cortex, and hippocampus. They have found at the an enlarge parts of the neuron effects the parts of the brain
Down syndrome effects children’s ability in different ways depending on their level of severity. Some children are can learn and are capable of developing skills just at a different pace than children their age.
Children with DS can function like a normal child and be in a full inclusive classroom depending on their severity. They might look slightly different but can be a good contribution to a community. “People with Down syndrome widely vary in mental abilities, physical development and behavior.” Some are able to live or their own have relationship and be independent.
Children with DS sometimes have problems with thing that makes then sad or angry. Also they may have a hard time emotional when dealing with a big change like loss or separation; they do not behavior like they normally would at school or work.

3) If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic support as well as social support.

A teacher in a general education classroom can best support a child with Down Syndrome by understanding their disability. Teachers should check their student’s history in their IEP and seeing what their strengths and weakness are. There is such a wide range of capability for students with DS that you have to see what they can do because each child is different. I would recognize they are not as able to grasp concept and certain skill quickly.
During instruction with my lessons I will remember to give them time and support how well they are doing. Teachers should teach in a step by step method with repeating reinforcement. It is very important to place a few restrictions on potential capabilities because the student might get overwhelmed and not process all the information.

4) What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (This would include websites, agencies, people within the school; a two to three line description is required for each resource.)

• Child study team- People on the child study team have had a longer relationship with students and have a really good understand of what they need in the classroom. They have worked with the parents and the child to create the IEP so they know what is expected from their teachers. They have also done tests to determine their strengths and weakness, this helps you learn how to work and create a good learning experience for him/her.
• Family- If I have any question or concerns I would contact the parents because they know their child. They are a good resource to use when you need help to understand their behaviors because so children with DS are very good at communicating and use center movements to tell you something.
• This is the National Down Syndrome Society website. This is helpful for understanding what it is like to be a part of a DS community. They have message boards and events for people with DS and their families. They encourage education, advocacy, and research. This is a good way to relate to you student and their families.
• National Down Syndrome Congress is an organization formed by families that have a person with DS. Their main goal is to have people understand and accept people with DS because there are so many successful stories due to the support from people giving to this organization. This very help for teachers because it makes them truly understand the struggles some of these family’s have gone through to have their child be supported and get the right they deserve.
• - This website is very helpful for teachers because it explains the laws and the requirement that are for teachers that have students with DS. It also has IDEA laws and teachers can research and learn new things about the disability. The site has a page keeps you up to date on news, new research and laws.
- This is a part of the previous website but it is very helpful to help a child with DS in the classroom. It explains how to teacher a child with DS

Work Cited:

Theresa said...

Question 1:

How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws?

PKU (Phenylketornuria) is an rare hereditary disorder of the body, high level of phenylalanine in the blood. The test is done by a prick of the baby's heal and samples are screen in laboratory for observation. The blood should not show more than normal of body enzymes. This disorder if not treated early can cause metal retardation. Fortunately, this test is check through a routine newborn screening. PKU disorder occurs in all ethnic groups but is mainly detected in idividuals of Northern and Western European decendants rather than African-Americans, Hispanic and Asians ancestry. The population of babies being affected by this disease is 1 out of 25,000 in US. An individual that have been diagnosed with this rare disease cannot process any protein which converts to a build up in the body that causes toxic to the central nerve system and results in brain damage if not treated. For the most part, all affected newborns that are tested early for PKU are treated and required a special diet to control the phenylalanine in the body.

Generally, children born in this condition are born from the pair of genes from both parents. In order to inherit this disease both parents must have an abnormal PAH genes. One has to be a carrier and the other has a mutation gene (change). Before the woman becomes pregnant she must be tested and treated for a dietary supplement around three months prior to her pregnancy. If positive for PKU, women must visit a specialist often and remain on a strict diet. A diet that consist of no high level of protein such as milk, cheese, meat, fish. These high and protein foods should be prevented three months before and six months after child birth to cut the high level of protein in the body. Children and Adults must require a follow up by their medical professionals and examined according to the level of protein. Individuals are advised to remain on this diet throughout their childhood and lifetime span. It is a safe habit to continue this diet to complete development growth and intellectual abilities.

Question 2

What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability?

Low birth during birth and if this disease is not treated by the age of three to six months they will instantly lose interest in their surrounding area. Children with untreated PKU will eventually have a developmental delay in the first year of life. It can cause the child to have an uncontrollable behavior problem, and irritable effects due to the damage of the brain. Children with this rare disease are physically developed but has a different hair texture and a lighter color (blonde) than their siblings. They may have dry skin,rashes, consistant seizures and offensive body odor. Untreated diagnose babies, because of abnormal disorder, the fetus is not developed normally which body growth decreased to poor development of tooth enamel, small head development, upper jaw and teeth will not grow as normal as others. Affected individual should never discontinue the diet specialized from their medical professionals because it would delay their ability to learn and function a healthy lifestyle.

Question 3

If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic support as well as social support.

As a teacher, working in a general education classroom, a child with PKU would be very challenging for me because I would not want to risk losing my job based on non communication skill with the parent or guardian. The first important plan that I would consider is to prepare a mini-lesson plan based on the childs needs. This would not only help the child but other children in the classroom to practice good health and keep it maintained. This plan will stress the importance of a strict diet plan for every child in the classroom. Second, I would incorporate other children to volunteer their help to make sure that the child needs are met in a safe and secure way. This will shield a positive outcome on all healthy diets for every child in the classroom. I would teach the 4 basic food groups and share the importance of a healthy diet. Thirdly, I would check his or her IEP records that were sent from another school or meet with the pricipal and parent to discuss the child's evaluation and gain any ideas that me further this childs educational skills. Lastly, I also would want to establish a relationship and connect with the child's parents to help maintain a comfortable setting for her/him in the classroom. This disease can be extremely overwhelming for any parent to deal with, and would attempt to make life more simple for the parent. The child may find it easy for me as a teacher to express patience and understanding because the child perhaps may not get it at home. However, if the child does get the proper treatment at home he or she may have a differcult time adapting to other children because of their disabilites. I believe the best success in helping the child would be to show love, affection, and to appreciate families with this struggle. Not everyone is handling this issue the same. There are some families with children that are untreated and cannot find the special needs for their child.

Question 4

What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child?

The best compliance for this child is to interact closely with the child. If working in the general classroom and had only one child with PKU I would take more time to spend with the child and guide them with the best that there is to offer in the classroom. I would take time to find different websites to search for people with the same disability and have them come in to share their experience with other families in the school. This would include agencies within the local areas to come and meet with families that feel like giving up on their children's life because they are unable to find resolution and other people that care. I would not want any families to give up believing that there is nothing left to do and the school is not able to satify the need. As a parent, teacher I want to make sure that every parent feels safe to bring their child to school in faith to know their child education and special needs will meet equally. I will recommend for the Parent, Principal and Teachers to go on websites to get the extra support to find a community or group with the expertise to help and teach more about,"How to maintain your diet with PKU? and "How to live and deal with children with PKU"? on sites such as

Xanthy Karamanos said...

How is your disability defined by the federal and state laws? (Consider federal education laws such as IDEA & NJ spec ed code.) Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which occurs in 1 out of 20,000 births. It is closely related to autism, although the children with this syndrome are known for great social skills. This syndrome is caused by missing genetic material; specifically chromosome 7. According to state laws, WS is not usually inherited, but its occupants have a fifty percent chance in passing it to their offspring. The syndrome was first found in New Zealand in 1961.

What are the developmental characteristics of persons with this disability? (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and levels of functioning.) The developmental characteristics are distinct facial appearances which are referred to as elfin, As well as having a low arching nasal bridge. They do suffer with mental and physical processes. They usually do not have a problem meeting new people/strangers. As well as having a projective personality they have sudden negative outbursts.

If you were a teacher in a general education classroom, what information and strategies would help you best support a child with this disability? This would include academic and social support. If I was teacher I would use a different strategy to help the child cope with his mental illness. Although this strategy would not be known by the child, slight alterations would have to be taken so the child would not fall behind in the teachings. The child would undoubtedly experience a separation from the rest of the children, classroom activities and or social measures will have to be taken to make the classroom function as a whole.

What resources would help you as a teacher to serve this child? (websites, agencies, people within your school, curriculum materials: 2 or 3 line description for each resource is required.) I would use resources that I knew would benefit the child, such as teachers who had experience with children of mental retardation before. I would research websites and inform myself of the disability, so I have a better understanding of the needs of the child. Speaking to agencies will also enlighten me of certain difficulties I should focus on. Agencies are a big help due to their informative nature, they have been helping teachers as well as other business’s cope with individuals with these mental retardations. Curriculum materials are a must with children of mental illness. Simple materials that will protect the child as well as benefit him/her in the classroom are necessary.

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